Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Even the NACHO maid needs time to herself.

I remember when the twins were about 18 months old and I was so excited that I had finally reached this great milestone.I could take a shower while they were awake and cruising. No longer did I have to waste precious napping time for the MUCH needed shower. I hated squandering that quiet 2 hours by shaving my legs and drying my hair. Instead I would rather be on the computer chatting for adult interaction or napping. Not sure which I treasured more at that time.

Now, at the ripe old age of double 5 and 7 I have decided that its time to mark off a new milestone in the baby book. The one where Mom gets to "potty" in quiet. I swear as soon as my @$$ hits the porcelain God someone starts screaming, "Mom!" "Mom!" "Where are you?" Or even better, "Honey?" And by that time I scream back, "I am on the freakin' toilet!" Its as if a light goes off in the family room to alert my kids and husband that Mom has finally sat down. Beep! Beep! Beep! "We have contact on the loo. I repeat, contact on the loo!"

Now, I lock the bathroom door and turn on the fan. And I no longer answer to the people of this house summoning my whereabouts during my time on the WC. Soon, I may just even read a magazine...

1 comment:

  1. I swear!!! This is SO true! I will get their dinner on the table and situated. Milk poured and I will sit down and they'll say "Can I please have some more or some... (fill in the blank!) It's absolutely maddening!

    I was attempting to wipe my parts and pieces after going to the potty the other day and one of them walks in. I'm like "EXCUSE ME!" Cue the tears because I AM SO MEAN! Gahhhhh!!!
